Thursday, December 11, 2008

My Project!!! YYYAAAYYY

I decided for my project to write out a curriculum high school students, AP students. This is the first time I have ever done any thing like this before, I had to do research a lot just to start up and decide what I was going to do. I thought it would be a good idea to do; I am an education major so I figured this would be a good exercise for me. So... Yea, If my curriculum sucks, I'll keep that in mind and take notes for the future.

I designed it for seniors, assuming the class consists of 26 students. In my syllabus I explained that because it was an advanced placement class, I will be expecting a whole lot of everything. The grades are spread out in points.. a total of 5oo. I thought it was pretty reasonable... But I could be wrong.

I didn't write out my quizzes or my test because I felt like it depended on the amount of information the class was retaining. I didn't want the class to be based only on the amount of work done, the the amount of information retained. Its all about Effort!!

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